Freitag, 14. März 2014

Short Stories #3 - "Leidenschaft"

So, ich habe wirklich lange nachgedacht, was ich über dieses Thema schreiben könnte. Über meine Leidenschaft "Nähen"? Über Leidenschaft in der Liebe? Nein, irgendwie alles zu langweilig oder zu kompliziert, nicht in Worte zu fassen...
Aber ich habe in meinen Archiven einen Text gefunden, den ich vor einigen Jahren verfasst habe. Und er ist voller Leidenschaft! Es geht da tatsächlich um meine Leidenschaften, um Berge, ums Bergsteigen, um mein geliebtes Slowenien, um das Übernachten in Berghütten und und und.
Ich habe ihn etwas überarbeitet, wobei ich wieder ganz versunken bin in die schöne Bergwelt der Julischen Alpen... Aber lest selbst!

My way up to the Triglav (2864m)

After about one year waiting time for the right moment, in september I finally found another "crazy" man who agreed to join me climbing Slovenia's highest mountain - the Triglav. And like we another hundred Slovenes did, so like ants we went up to the top on narrow and steep paths. The weather was really great and therefore also the view from above, we could see over whole Slovenia and Austria and even as far as to the sea!

We startet at Saturday at Pokljuka (~900m), went up to the plateau Konjščica, surrounded Tosc, stopped at the hut Vodnikov dom for a short rest and then startet the real ascent to Triglav. But as it is almost impossible to "walk" on the Triglav in one day, we decided to stay in the largest mountain hut in the Julian Alps - the Triglavski dom na Kredarici, which can host over 300 people and lies at an altitude of 2515m above the sea. But because of the nice weather and the facts that it has been weekend and that it was snowing some weeks before, the hut was already crowded and without any free sleeping places when we arrived there in the late afternoon. So we had to put up with the idea to sleep in the dining room. But the later the evening, the worse the mood, because a group of drunken Austrians (Ne, jaz nisem iz te dežele! ;-)) was singing and seemed not to be willing to stop before midnight or even later. But after some ričet, makaroni and a lot of čaj we were lucky to finally get a small room and went to bed straight away. 
Of course I got up early in the morning, to be ready with my camera when the sun rose above the horizont...

After breakfast we began our ascent to the top, the sun was already joining us on our rock climbing tour, as a lot of other people did too. We had to cross a ridge which was sometimes just 30 cm wide, on the left and right the sheer rock walls were going down some hundred meters, but in the end our labour was awarded. The view from the top was amazing! We could see over whole Slovenia and Austria with the great skyline of Sonnblick and Großglockner. Of course we took a lot of pictures with the famous Aljažev stolp and enjoyed the sun and the view, surrounded from some loud and therefore annoying tourist-planes.

Then, just 40 minutes later we had to leave again, now as "real Slovenes". We decided to take the other way down, but somehow we regretted this idea a little later when we were standing in front of a steep, vertical wall, going down pretty far and the only markers for the path in this direction. But - slowely but save - we did it! And therefore we much more enjoyed our turkish coffee in the next hutPlanika.
Then we "just" had to walk down another 1200m, but after all in all 9,5 hours walking we then finally reached the car.
It was worth it!!!

Ich hoffe, das Einstellen schon geschriebener Texte ist hier auch erlaubt! Und der Text ist in (schlechtem) Englisch geschrieben, da ich ihn auch für meine Freunde, die nicht Deutsch sprechen, "lesbar" machen wollte.
Wer an der Route interessiert ist, hier ist sie gut (zumindest auf Slowenisch, aber auch auf Englisch verfügbar) beschrieben, samt vieler sehenswerter Fotos!

So, und bevor ich's mir wieder anders überlege, schnell damit zu den ShortStories im März.

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